2 Traits To Create Relationship Through Your Talk

By Erin Ferree, Branding Coach San Luis Obispo, CA USA Are you “marketing at” your precious audience or connecting withthem? In other words, do your  talks feel more like you’re shouting at them with a megaphone, or like you’re starting what could be a two-way...
Branding Red Flags For Speakers

Branding Red Flags For Speakers

By Rhonda Page Branding Expert Toronto, Ontorio Canada If you’re a speaker, the importance of creating a brand is key to your success. Just so we’re on the same page, YOUR BRAND IS NOT YOUR LOGO! It’s the overall impression you leave with your...
Join Us For Live WSA TweetChats!

Join Us For Live WSA TweetChats!

Join the Conversation on Twitter and Meet the Experts within our very own WSA community! Each week at 4pm PST | 7 pm EST WSA hosts a live TweetChat #SpeakerChat on Twitter. To join the conversation, log into Twitter on this site: http://tweetchat.com/room/speakerchat....