By Denise Cook, Award winning Author, Poet, Singer/Songwriter and Publisher
Hollywood, CA USA
Recently, I had an opportunity to speak to a group of diverse spiritual beings who shared my worldly out look on life. Each bringing to the forum their unique energy. I decided to include in my dialogue a set of truths I adhere to. I thought before sharing these”truths” what would the outcome be? What price would I pay by sharing these truths? Would I alienate these potential clients, thereby jeopardizing my message and their benefit? I chose to share the TRUTH based on the fact that I had done my homework. I knew the personal, financial and spiritual make-up of those in attendance. The price I paid for sharing the TRUTH and presenting an authentic keynote was a bonded relationship with many who had only just met me and great back of the room sales. when given a choice, TRUTH and an authentic delivery trumps fluff every time.
Denise L. Cook, known as The ORACLE, is a published author, speaker and entertainer. Denise makes people feel good about themselves. She points out their blessings, their good and acknowledges their bad with a firm but loving word.