Never doubt this – you are destined for greatness. Ever wonder what’s getting in the way of having the love you want, the business growth you desire, and/or the true happiness you’re destined to have? Maybe you’ve tried working harder, loving harder, but all you get is exhausted and frustrated. Well take a breath, hope is here. Tune into the advice that Simone and Dr. B Michelle have to offer practical advice and coaching and create a new perspective that can turn around your life.
Their powerful insights help build the inner and outer bonds that create new realities and desired outcomes.
Featuring: Simone L Shabazz & Dr. B. Michelle Lucas
Our experts share their advice for women leaders and speakers:
Simone shares “My best take away advice would be to envision yourself as already Loved and practice it as if your life depends on it because it does!”
Dr. B. Michelle says “Take what you are doing seriously. Have a plan and work the plan. When you fall, get back up and Kim-It-Moving (Kim-It-Moving).”
Simone L Shabazz is a Singer, Speaker and Author. Her business Catch The Vision Love is meant to Inspire women to a mindset that leads them to self-love. It is her passion to encourage women to embrace their worth and live it! You can learn more about Simone at
Dr. B. Michelle Lucas is a life coach, pastor and entrepreneur. She motivates her clients to meet their lifelong destiny through coaching and consulting. You can learn more about Michelle at
Our Host and Producer is Laura Rubinstein, Certified Hypnotherapist, Digital Media & Marketing Mentor and Business Transformation Strategist. Follow her blog here: