Are you ready to uncover the game-changing strategies for becoming a powerhouse leader and a sales superstar?

In this episode, you will discover the keys to leadership and sales success from our Premier Members .Annette Bacon, Zeenath Kuraisha and Sonia Jeantet.

They share keys to activating your leadership potential and skyrocketing your sales success. From Perth to Singapore to Southern California, these experts bring their unique insights and offer invaluable advice on emotional intelligence, customer-focused sales, and integrative thinking.

Annette Bacon sheds light on the critical role of emotional intelligence in leadership, emphasizing the importance of self-awareness and creating a healthy work environment.

Zeenath Kuraisha shares her expertise in sales success, highlighting the significance of customer-focused sales and ethical business practices.

Sonia Jeantet, the leadership whisperer, takes us on a journey of integrated thinking and holistic decision-making, illuminating the power of leveraging the whole brain to solve problems and create breakthroughs.

Through their personal stories and professional journeys, these women empower us to reimagine leadership and sales through authenticity, empathy, and strategic thinking. Uncover the strategies that reshape traditional paradigms of success in today’s business world.

Get ready to ignite your leadership and sales potential with the insightful wisdom of these incredible women.

Empower your leadership and sales success. Watch the episode now!

Annette Bacon is the Founder of Transforming Minds Coaching. She specializes in helping small and medium-sized businesses, with disengaged employees, high staff turnover, and low morale to create an engaged and meaningful work culture. You can learn more about Annette at

Sonia Jeantet is a Leadership Suite Whisperer. She advises her clients on how to uncover the competencies and results needed to thrive in the “new realities”.Sonia is also the author of The Integrative Leader which shares the model that engages cognitive diversity. You can learn more about Sonia at

Zeenath Kuraisha is a customer-focused sales advisor and educator, specializing in virtual sales, sales transformation, and sales education. She works with tech companies, startups, and global multinational organizations. You can learn more about Zeenath at

Our WSA-TV Host and Producer is Laura Rubinstein, Hypnotherapist, Digital Media & Marketing Mentor, and Business Transformation Strategist. Follow her blog here: