Women Speakers Association is a robust community of resources and support.

If you’ve wondered if there is a place that exists that can support you in the following ways, you’ve come to the right place. Women Speakers Association is a collaborative community designed for you to:

1. meet people who can connect you to others
2. learn leadership skills
3. grow your visibility as a recognized thought leader
4. scale your business
5. connect with like-minded women

Our Global Business Connectors (https://wsalive.com/live-events/) are your guides to connecting and collaborating. When a new woman joins WSA we have your back from the beginning. Especially since there are so many resources and offerings available with membership.

Maybe you’re looking to become a bestselling author – we’ve got you covered with our authorship opportunity at https://Voicesofthe21stcentury.com

Maybe you want to refine your message, brand, and bounce ideas around about your next launch. You can easily ask for input in the Premier Member Facebook Group.

Perhaps you want to meet others and find potential clients or speaking engagements. Join in on an upcoming networking meeting at https://wsalive.com/events

And this is just the tip of the WSA mountain of benefits Premier members receive everyday.

This special anniversary episode is geared to inspire women to hone their connection and collaborations skills to grow their visibility and awareness.

On this July 29, 2021 WSA-TV Anniversary Show episode our Premier Members share about how they leverage the collaborative community here at Women Speakers Association.

Featuring: Lisa Hannigan & Donna Duffy

Our experts share their messages for women leaders and speakers:

Lisa suggests that we should “Share your voice any chance you get. Create opportunities for visibility.”

Donna says “Stay true to you, to the gifts you’ve been given, your zone of genius and what lights you up. Do what you love and love who you do it for. Tie your why to your tribe. Go and inch wide and a mile deep as you cultivate and build relationships, a tribe and community”

Lisa Hannigan is a Virtual Engagement Specialist. Her mission has been to help leaders and establish speakers create a greater impact and maximize results through engagement and authentic connections every time they speak. She believes we all have a story to tell, a message to share, or a product or service that could help someone. “If you don’t share your voice, then how will they find you?” Learn more about Lisa at https://www.glimmerlearning.com/

Donna Duffy is a Marketing and Visibility Strategist. She works with midlife women entrepreneurs, leaders and difference makers, Marketing and Visibility strategies and solutions–helping them live and work in wholehearted alignment, create their signature body of work and showcase their expertise. Learn more about Donna at https://www.sagesuccessstudio.com/

Our Host and Producer is Laura Rubinstein, Certified Hypnotherapist, Digital Media & Marketing Mentor and Business Transformation Strategist. Follow her blog here: http://TransformToday.com