Ulrika Brattemark shares her story titled, Uniquely YOU in Voices of the 21st Century – Powerful, Passionate Women Who Make a Difference.

There are many paths to truly fulfilling work: Ulrika shares how she broke free from her corporate cubicle for a truly inspired career, and how you too can find your “sweet spot” in life. It’s never too late to find a path that leads you to live authentically and with passion.


Ulrika Brattemark is a Corporate Swede on a Soulful Mission. As a time management coach, speaker, and workshop leader, she supports busy professionals in living sane, joyful, and fulfilling lives. She encourages her clients to incorporate their dreams into their daily lives, ultimately actualizing a life that is truly theirs.


Voices of the 21st Century – Powerful, Passionate Women Who Make a Difference

In this book, you’ll discover the messages of forty women who have channeled their passion into a mission to make a difference. By joining forces with the other women of Women Speakers Association on the pages of Voices of the 21st Century, these messengers will grow wings that expand their reach beyond their wildest dreams.

The world you are meant to serve is waiting for you.
