Bestselling Author-Speakers Share How To Generate Ongoing Revenue

Becoming a best selling author is a great and lofty goal. It’s great credibility when you achieve bestseller status. But if you stop there, you are literally missing out on opportunities of a lifetime and leaving money on the table. Many of our Premier Members are best selling authors and with WSA Publishing you can become just that… a best selling author with us and of course we don’t stop there.

On this May 7th WSA-TV Premier Show episode we talk about how to turn your book into a business and upcoming training.

Featuring: Charmaine Hammond

Charmaine Hammond is living proof of a speaker who continually develops business from her books. She is a six time best selling author and has so many hacks for producing revenue from your books. For example are you taking advantage of finding bulk book sales opportunities. After all, it takes about as much work to sell one copy as it does to sell a bulk.

Join us for the complete Speaker Success Training with our Best Selling Author Panel to discover how to use your book to boost your business at Premier members get the replays. Anyone may attend live on May 13, 2020.

Find out how to market your book properly
Discover the biggest mistakes that speakers and authors make
Gain creative book marketing strategies
Hear how to work Amazon and get perks
Learn what non-traditional book sales opportunities are available
Overcome the challenges of getting
Systemize your book marketing process and succeed

By the way, you don’t have to be an extrovert to succeed as an author. Introverts can thrive as a best selling author. Watch this interview where Charmaine gives so many strategies for the introvert and even those who are challenged to finish what we start.



Charmaine Hammond
is a 5x best selling and award-winning author, has been published by 5 publishers, and is featured in 8 other published books. Her first book, now ten years old, continues to sell and receive media opportunities. She has helped authors sell more books, sell books in bulk, plan successful and profitable book tours, get booked for media and speaking and turn their book into a business.
Our Host and Producer is Laura Rubinstein, Certified Hypnotherapist, Digital Media & Marketing Mentor and Business Transformation Strategist. Follow her blog here: