Are you ready to consciously step into leadership?

When you bring out your greatness, you’ll enjoy your life more and you make a difference with the people around you!


On this July 20th WSA-TV episode our expert shared advice on

How easy and exciting it can be to step into leadership consciously

featuring: Dr. Joy Macci

Advice from our WSA Expert

We asked our featured guest to share some of her valuable wisdom with us.

Dr. Joy Macci shares this advice with us: “One of the first keys to Take-Control, Transform, Take-Charge is to keep an Energy, Enthusiasm and all consuming Passion 4 Excellence! Candy Crowley, CNN’s award-winning Political Correspondent sums it up brilliantly “Whatever You Do, Be so Good People can’t Ignore You.” Now for a fun challenge for all the Gr8 Women Speakers Association members Globally…is it time for us to join forces and raise the bar…as we share collectively the highest and best practices/skills/strategies to elevate our excellence in Leadership and Life!”

WSA-TV Guest Dr. Joy Macci

Dr. Joy Macci, CEO (Chief Energy Officer) at Leveling Up Leadership, works with Corporate Leadership, merging Managers, and Female Executives. What she enjoys most as a Leveling Up Leadership Coach/Trainer/Business Motivational Speaker is helping companies & executives around the world (like American Airlines, GE, Intuit, Lockheed, UN Women, etc) align their Leadership Cultures 4 Maximum Productivity and Results! By educating and empowering Executive Women (and Men) with gender-specialized leadership skills & tools to Take-Control, Transform & Take-Charge in Corporate Leadership and Life! Find out more here:

Our Host and Producer is Laura Rubinstein, Certified Hypnotherapist, Digital Media & Marketing Mentor and Business Transformation Strategist. Follow her blog here: