During this interview on our March 7, 2017 #SpeakerChat on Facebook LIVE, Deb Coman shares her insights on Content Marketing Strategy for Speakers. Below you’ll find a summary of the content we covered as well as our video interview.

Deb’s definition of content marketing strategy is a comprehensive approach to creating, sharing, and repurposing information that provides value, promotes engagement, and establishes relationships that lead to referral partners, sales, and speaking opportunities. It includes the information (or content) we create – our own material – typically about our business or topic area but also the personal pieces we share about ourselves as individuals. It can also includes the sharing of other people’s content which actually says a lot about ourselves. We share what is of interest to us; what we find valuable; we often relate it to our own work in some way so that there’s a context for our audience.

Repurposing is the activity that helps us to maximize our time and effort when we create content. We take a single message and share it multiple ways – a blog post becomes a talk title, tweets and social media posts, a live stream, part of our newsletter. This allows us to reach more people by using multiple vehicles for a single message. Repurposing is two-fold.  We can refer to repurposing the new content we create – as in sharing a blog post on social media platforms and in our newsletter and perhaps in a live stream. As well, we can use repurposing to refer to re-sharing content that is evergreen. Whenever we create information that is of value and essentially timeless, we want to set up ways to keep sharing that content and recycling it, particularly on platforms that move fast, like Twitter. This helps us to get a lot more mileage from one piece of content. It’s a way to create a content library of our material.

Content is EVERYTHING that we say, what we write, what we video, what we share on social media. We are marketing ourselves constantly, whether we realize it or not, and every time we contribute a thought to the conversation, either online or off, we are sharing content and people are making decisions about whether they’d like to work with us, hire us to speak or partner with us in some way.

The sooner we recognize this and approach our content from this perspective, the more empowered we are to share in a way that attracts the right people and strengthens these potential relationships.

It’s not about “pretending to be certain way.” In fact, it’s just the opposite. It’s about relaxing into who we really are and letting that be how we show up in our business. People do business with people, not with businesses and brands.

Deb uses a 7 step system that lays a foundation in that each step builds upon the one before it.

  • It begins with getting grounded in our core purpose and message.
  • From that core message, we create our elevator invitation.
  • The elevator invitation then gets expanded to our website copy in our about me section, our service descriptions and our home page.
  • Then we create a compelling opt-in or lead magnet.
  • Through list nurturing and list building we attract more customers and keep them coming back for more of our content.
  • Blogging is a great way to add value, establish our expertise, and create a library of information that speaks to our skills and topic areas, particularly as speakers.
  • And social media is the best way to have that message reach more people and connect with more people in a way that brings them into our world.

To learn more about Deb, You can find her at www.facebook.com/debcomanwriting and @debcomanwritng on Twitter. Deb  also wants to offer everyone tuning in now and on the replay their own copy of her 7 Steps to Content Marketing Strategy that Converts here: http://bit.ly/DCCMSOP


Deb Coman is the founder of DebComan.com and the creator of 7 Steps to Content Marketing Strategy That Converts. As a speaker, content marketing strategist, and copywriter, she empowers speakers and entrepreneurs to capture and convey their core purpose and message and to use strategy to increase visibility, referral partners, speaking gigs, and sales. Deb is a Premier Member and on the Leadership Team of Women Speakers Association.