NY Times Best-Selling Author Debbie Ford shares the key to moving forward and having more confidence and courage in her recently released book, “Courage: Overcoming Fear & Igniting Self- Confidence”. Debbie was very generous in sharing with us an excerpt below. 

By Debbie Ford

New York Times Best-Selling Author & Internationally Acclaimed Film-Maker
San Diego, CA USA

For over 15 years, I’ve been traveling around the world teaching people how to make peace with their inner world so they can feel confident and secure as they go about wading through the difficult experiences that arise in one’s life. For the most part, everyone who comes is high- functioning and successful in most areas of their life but somewhere they’re stuck. They just can’t seem to get past whatever obstacles they find on their path. I’ve discovered that most of these obstacles that rob them of their joy and happiness and moving forward come from their childhood, passed down through generations, and often they’re just the hands that they were dealt by life.

So now after writing eight books and watching people transform miraculously in short periods of time, I’ve come to understand that it’s not the knowing of our intellectual minds that can move us
forward and give us more confidence and courage but it’s the actual process of transformation, of moving from the head to the heart, that changes the way we act and the way that we see and view reality. The process is a journey where we look inside ourselves and reconnect with what’s always been there but often hidden — an enormous power which reconnects us with our confidence and our courage. When I feel insecure, I can feel the fluttering in my belly that now serves as a reminder that I’m disconnected from my source of courage and confidence. Often it only takes five minutes for me to close my eyes, examine my feelings and reconnect to my source. This shift can take anywhere from a few minutes to a few days depending on the issue.

When you do the work to address the areas of your life where you feel stuck, weak or hopeless, you will discover the power and strength to take on any challenge, any day of the week. Even in the midst of your daily life, cleverly camouflaged by a business suit or sweats, you can adorn yourself with the shimmering gown of self-confidence and the radiant crown of courage that you so deeply deserve.

This blog is an excerpt from my brand new book Courage: Overcoming Fear & Igniting Self- Confidence.

Learn more about Debbie and her new book at debbieford.com/couragebook

Debbie Ford is a New York Times bestselling author of nine books and an internationally acclaimed teacher, speaker, transformational coach, film- maker and expert in the field of personal transformation. She has guided tens of thousands of extraordinary people to learn to love, trust and embrace all of who they are.

Debbie is a pioneering force in incorporating the study and integration of the human shadow into modern psychological and spiritual practices. She is the Executive Producer of The Shadow Effect movie, an emotional-gripping, visually compelling transformational documentary featuring Deepak Chopra, Marianne Williamson, and other provocative thinkers and beloved teachers.

Debbie is the founder of The Ford Institute for Transformational Training, the renowned personal and professional training organization which offers emotional and spiritual education based on her body of work to individuals and organizations around the world. She is also the creator and leader of The Shadow Process Retreat and the host of Shadow Talk on HayHouseRadio.com.

For more information on Debbie, please visit: www.DebbieFord.com

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