By Ann DeVere, The Global Visibility Broker
Los Angeles, CA USA
For over 25 years now I’ve been the expert behind the expert. So, when I decided to step up as a speaker, I needed some help in getting the visibility and the recognition I wanted as “The Global Visibility Broker”. I joined WSA because it’s a loving and supportive community of powerful women who are there to share resources and support one another. I now have a platform to fill my calendar with speaking engagements and promote my own events and products. WSA is a way for me to get my message out into the world and feel really good about the difference I’m making. All this is a result of the support and resources I’m receiving from WSA and its members. Thank you Liora and Gail for creating this community of extraordinary women.
If you have aspirations to be on Good Morning America, CNN, 60 minutes or any talk show of your choice, Ann DeVere, the Executive Producer of “Access To Experts” TV and her EMMY award winning production team at “TV Interview Mastery” academy is where you go to get ready and get on your way.