By Liora Mendeloff, President & Founder, Women Speakers Association

How many books do you have to read? How many tapes or cds do you have to listen to? How many seminars or workshops do you have to attend? How many $100,000 inner-circles do you have to join? How many teachers, mentors or therapists will it take until you get…there is no guru OUTSIDE of you!

You might be wondering, “how can the President of the Women Speakers Association be saying such things?” Here’s my point…I’m not dissing teachers, mentors, mastermind partners…all are essential players to have on your team. My question, however, is “when will you be enough that you don’t HAVE TO look outside yourself for validation, guidance, approval, acknowledgement?”

The truth is…you already are your own guru. All the answers, all the guidance, all the love, everything you are seeking, lies within you. The key…stop or slow down long enough to tap into that endless well of unlimited abundance that is the very source from which you came. It is there that you will find what you are seeking. It is there, that you will know (in your heart, in your gut) what step to take next, which move is the one to make.

When you can get that YOU are your own guru, all the gifts that come to you through your mentors, teachers, colleagues, etc, are just icing on the cake.

Liora Mendeloff is a Speaking Industry Expert, with 20+ years of experience behind-the-scenes with some of the world’s greatest thought leaders, government officials, celebrities and entrepreneurs, in helping them fulfill their vision.  Liora’s driving force is to facilitate getting women and their core message out into the world, the purpose behind her newest venture, the Women Speakers Association. Liora also created, the secret tool used by the Pro’s to get seen, get booked and get paid!