By Linda Jimenez, Business Consultant

Women are powerful leaders.  We have the innate ability to use our lives as a curriculum for empowerment.  We evolve in the process of serving others.  All that we are or have is the result of what we think and what we believe is possible.  Presently, women have more opportunities than ever before.   It is my hope that I can teach and demonstrate to other women a commitment to professional and personal success. Each and every moment, good and bad, is a blessing.  Every experience is a lesson for each of us; we must be willing to listen and learn.  This is neither an end nor a beginning, only the continuation of a wisdom-collecting process of life’s magnificent journey.  It is my sincerest gratitude and appreciation to have the opportunity to work with WSA.  It is my hope that we leverage our resources to strengthen our faith in one another.

Linda Jiménez is the founder and President/CEO of VIDA Enterprise, Inc., a business consulting and coaching company.  As a bilingual serial entrepreneur, she has a strong background in startups, logistics, public health, grant writing, entrepreneurship and minority-owned companies.