By Melanie Benson Strick, Evolutionary Strategist and Big Idea Catalyst

You have a big idea. You know what your genius is and you can “see” ways to make an impact in the world. As a speaker you have the ability to impact hundreds, if not thousands of people with your words.

And yet, you are stuck…

You never have enough time or energy to move the idea forward. You get frustrated as you watch friends and peers move their big ideas forward. Making big money and living the dream as a thought leader. So you just sink a little deeper into your stuck-ness and wonder why you can’t do what they do.

Here’s why you aren’t playing a bigger game…

You’ve designed your life to keep you stuck exactly where you are right now!

When you see the possibilities you immediately shut down because you don’t have the space for it. You have filled your life with all kinds of business (even though it’s not moving your forward.)

When the door opens ever so slightly to your bigger game it immediately slams shut because you run through all your limitations…

“I don’t have anyone to help me so how on earth would I be able to pull this off?”

“Who am I to think about having a bigger impact in my work, I can barely make my business/life work as it is!”

“I have no idea how to do (fill in the blank) and I don’t have time to learn it either. This just isn’t for me.”

“If I get bigger then I’ll have to give up (something you think is more important).”

“I don’t want to sell my soul like (insert name of expert you don’t respect) so I’ll just keep myself safe in my current way of doing things.)

My friend, if you are stuck in your current level of success and aren’t playing full out, you are inviting the Universal 2 x 4 to come and visit you.

Genius doesn’t stagnate well. Eventually you will be called to fulfill your greatness and if you wait too long it can come with a lot of pain (the Universal 2 x 4 gathers strength the longer you put off your destiny.)

Here are three tips to get you started:

1. Identify the unconscious derailers that are holding you back.

There is a hidden “limiter” keeping you from taking this next step. ON some level you have accepted that it is permanent. When you identify what’s holding you back, you can then dissolve it and take your leap.

2. Get inspired.

There is a simple process I teach in my Big Idea Incubator on how to get fired up in our business. As a speaker, having passion and inspiration is crucial to taking this next leap. Often we don’t feel inspired because we can’t see how to monetize or align the idea. We’ve gotten used to seeing our business through our own eyes – it may be time to shine a new light so you can see new possibilities.

3. Re-energize your approach.

When you breathe new life into your idea it will become a magnet that pulls you towards it. It may be as easy as building a roadmap or hiring the right person to help  you implement the idea.

It’s time to step into your greatness, stop living in a life you have designed to keep you safe and unleash your impact on the world.

Melanie Benson Strick, Evolutionary Strategies and Big Idea Catalyst works with thought leaders and visionaries to get liberated so they can pull off their dream lifestyle business. Get access to her free audio, The 7 Reasons Why You are Mystified, Paralyzed or Under-Performing With Your Genius at