By Linda Edgecombe, Best-Selling Author & Speaker

I have a pet peeve about being boring. How is it that some people are fun loving, energized and can laugh at themselves while others are judgmental, cranky and boring? Are some of us born boring or is it a skill that we work tirelessly on until we make it into an art form?

I have surveyed audiences for the past dozen years and anywhere from 75% to sometimes 95% of groups I am in front of tell me that they are drawn to the speakers that are fun, exciting, moving and shaking.

So as we move through the year, be a bit more funny and foolish on and off the stage.

Make it a mandate to never be boring again. Instead think of yourself as outrageous, wild, exciting, interesting, opinionated, sexy, vivacious and perhaps even succulent. Hey why not, this is the only gig you got going right now and believe me it’s pretty crowded sitting in Mediocre.

At the very least keep everyone else guessing. Just be “Anything but Predictable”.

So here’s your challenge, plan a special date/adventure with a special person in your life. Make it fun and full of laughs. I call this “finding your own funny faster”. Create a story that you will be able to use during your next speaking engagement.

Send me an email with the details and and your successes

Linda Edgecombe, award winning humorous, Certified Speaking Professional and Speaker Hall of Fame Inductee. She is a best-selling author and speaker mentor. As the Re-invention Strategist, re-energizing and re-engaging people, her messages are as welcomed as a deep belly laugh and as profound as an honest look in the mirror.