By Robin Havlicek, Owner, RAD Printing

Four more sleeps until I take to the stage for the FIRST time in my professional career to educate. Starting now the cocoons have been spun and attached to the walls of my stomach only to mature into full grown butterflies.

When I dance I can perform as someone else, hide behind makeup and a persona without a worry. To speak true to myself and my passion is what I face in four sleeps.

Is there an easy way to calm my fears before I hold the microphone? I don’t think picturing the audience in their underwear is going to work for me – I may not be able to look them in the eye!

I want to succeed, I know I can. I just need to allow my beautiful wings to emerge.

“Just when the caterpillar thought the world was over, it became a
butterfly.” ~Proverb~

Robin Havlicek started RAD Printing six years ago against all advice from those around her.  “A Female in a Male Dominated industry will never survive” – That’s what Robin was told, that is what she has defied.